Wild Atlantic Kids is a new show following the Fortune Family as they weave their way along the Wild Atlantic Way!
Tune in from Monday at 10.50am on RTÉ2 and RTÉ Player to join them on their fun-filled road trip as they travel from the top to the bottom of Ireland.
Have a look at the trailer above and meet Nellie (11), Eppie (8), Nan (6), parents Aileen and Mick, and their dog Chubby.
As well as having lots of holiday fun on their trip the family visit special places and try out new activities: seeing bears and wolves, visiting their first funfair, trying out Sean Nos dancing, net fishing, exploring rock pools, shearing sheep, fishing from a boat, horse riding and learning how to fly a hawk.
And then there’s all the fun holiday stuff – barbecues, ice cream and long hot days on the beach.
Dad Mick is an expert on folk tales and you can click here to find out more about Easter traditions.