If you've ever spent a summer learning Irish in the Gaeltacht, you’ll know "An Dreoilín", a song beloved of coláiste samhraidh students everywhere. Composer and performer Seán Monaghan joined the RTÉ Concert Orchestra in a landmark concert to celebrate RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta’s 50th birthday on 2nd April, bringing the house down with his rendition of the Gaeltacht anthem.
The full concert, with the RTÉ Concert Orchestra accompanying some of Ireland’s finest musical talent, will air this Saturday night on RTÉ One Television at 10.35pm, straight after the Keith Barry Experience.
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Ceiliúradh atá ann, ní hamháin ar scoth an cheoil traidisiúnta, ach ar an ról lárnach atá ag an staisiún raidió i gcaomhnú agus i spreagadh an cheoil.
It's a joyful celebration of some of the best of Irish traditional music, and of the station’s key role in nurturing and encouraging Irish musical talent through archiving and broadcast, live performance, festival coverage and music writing and performance competitions. Seán Monaghan's iconic anthem An Dreoilín won the inaugural Comórtas Amhránaíochta Raidió na Gaeltachta, an initiative begun by the station in 1995 to encourage songwriting in Irish, and is taught in schools and coláistí samhraidh across the country and loved by Gaeilgeoirí everywhere to this day.
I measc na gceoltóirí a bhí ann le cur leis an gceiliúradh, bhí Altan, Iarla Ó Lionáird, Colm Mac Con Iomaire, Steve Cooney, Muireann Nic Amhlaoibh, Cór Chúil Aodha agus neart eile.

RTÉ RnaG 50 airs this Saturday, 23rd April, at 10.35pm on RTÉ One
Watch the live stream of the concert here
Listen back to the concert on RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta here
More on RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta’s 50th Anniversary celebrations here