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Episode Notes
Creatives in Conversation
The novels of Kazuo Ishiguro include The Remains of the Day, An Artist of the Floating World and The Unconsoled. He was awarded the Nobel prize for Literature in 2017. The citation recognised his achievement in creating novels of great emotional force, 'uncovering the abyss, beneath our illusory sense of connection with the world.'
He spoke to Myles Dungan in a Rattlebag public interview recorded in 2005, coinciding with the publication of his novel, Never Let Me Go.
Ishiguro was born in Nagasaki in 1954 and moved to Britain at the age of five. He began by talking about his birthplace and its many associatio
Produced by Nuala O’Neill and researched by Sinéad Gleeson.
On sound were Sean Campbell and Eddie O’Halloran.